Bosnian Lullaby
after the Sephardic Ballads Durme, durme, mi angelico
and Durme, durme her, ozo hijico
Haworth Hodgkinson
Sleep, my angel, child of your nation,
Close your bright eyes and dream.
In your world there is nothing of grief:
Your days are full of delight.
One day, my angel, when you go to school,
You will learn the great truths of your nation:
Why you were born in a city of strangers
And whom you should trust or despise.
But tell me, my angel, who has never known pain,
And who once sang with such limitless joy:
Why do your eyes now darken with sorrow
And why has your voice fallen silent?
I'll tell you, mother, why I am sad
And why I can sing no more.
While you were away this afternoon
A boy came and broke my wings.
And that boy who broke my wings was a stranger:
He spoke like they speak across town.
I have already learned prejudice, mother,
And my voice has passed away.
Written 2000
Published in Pushing
Out the Boat Issue 2, 2002
(Aberdeenshire Council)
and in
There's a Bairn in My Broth, 2008
(Koo Press)